Tagged posts: 'kafka'
Explore how to verify Quarkus event-driven applications with the Citrus integration test framework.
Learn about the virtual threads integration in Quarkus messaging (Kafka, AMQP, Pulsar...).
JSON, Avro and Custom Kafka Serializers and Deserializers with Quarkus
Banco do Brasil extracts investment data from the Brazilian Open Banking environment using Quarkus and Kafka to scale horizontally the processing with multiple instances and simultaneous worker threads.
Quarkus Superheroesのサンプルアプリケーションを紹介し、構築に必要ないくつかの要件を説明し、ローカルで実行する方法やKubernetesにデプロイする方法を説明します。
Apache Kafkaを使用したQuarkusアプリケーションを10分以内に構築する方法
Quarkus、Kafka、Reactive Messagingを使用してクラウドイベントを送受信する方法
Emitting messages with Reactive Messaging Emitters
How to Use Kafka, Schema Registry, and Avro with Quarkus
How to combine reactive messaging, Kafka and the Rest client
Kafka Streams is a very popular solution for implementing stream processing applications based on Apache Kafka. It lets you do typical data streaming tasks like filtering and transforming messages, joining multiple Kafka topics, performing (stateful) calculations, grouping and aggregating values in time windows and much more. Unlike other streaming query engines that run on specific processing clusters, Kafka Streams is a client library. This means a (Java) application is needed which starts and runs the...