Tagged posts: 'testing'
Explore how to verify Quarkus event-driven applications with the Citrus integration test framework.
Quarkus 3.2 introduced an experimental feature to ease the testing of CDI components and mocking of their dependencies.
Quarkus Superheroesのサンプルアプリケーションを紹介し、構築に必要ないくつかの要件を説明し、ローカルで実行する方法やKubernetesにデプロイする方法を説明します。
With the release of Quarkus 1.6 Quarkus now supports test profiles, allowing you to easily test multiple different configurations inside the same module. This post outlines what test profiles are and how you can use them. Recap on how @QuarkusTest works Before we talk about test profiles let’s talk briefly about how @QuarkusTest annotated tests actually work. The first time one of these tests is run the Quarkus test extension will start Quarkus. Quarkus will...
Quarkus 1.4 introduces some interesting new capabilities for mocking CDI beans.