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Tagged posts: 'announcement'

Information about the recent announcement and its influence on Quarkus

After a period of consulting with the community inside and outside Red Hat we took the decision to submit a request for the Quarkus project to join the Commonhaus Foundation

We intend to move Quarkus to a foundation to accelerate the adoption rate, enhance transparency, foster collaboration, and encourage multi-vendor participation and execution.

Recently, we've made a decision to rename several Quarkus extensions that previously included the word "reactive" in their names. This blog post aims to shed light on the reasoning behind this change and what it means for you as a user and/or extension author.

We added full-text search to

Quarkus 3.7 will move Quarkus to use Java 17 as the minimal JDK

We are introducing Quarkus Long Term Support releases, Quarkus 3.2.x will be the first.

Writing Hibernate queries using the Criteria API can be anything but intuitive and comes at the expense of wordiness. In this article, you will learn how the JPAStreamer Quarkus extension facilitates type-safe Hibernate queries without unnecessary complexity.

Amazon Web Services(AWS)は、AWS LambdaのSnapStart機能を発表しました。SnapStartは、AWS Lambda上で動作するJavaベースの関数の起動レイテンシーを削減します。そして、Quarkusは初日からこれをサポートします!

This release adds support for CodeActions / Quick Fixes

Starting Quarkus 3

Quarkus 3 is coming with new features and a move to Jakarta named APIs.

This release improves the Qute developer experience

This release improves Quarkus run experience




このリリースでは、新しいプロジェクト/モジュールウィザードにQuarkus streamsのサポートが追加されました。

Quarkusのウェブサイトがリニューアルされ、コミュニティでの会話のためにGitHub discussions が有効化されました。

このリリースでは、CodeLens for RESTエンドポイントのサポートが追加され、MicroProfile Fault ToleranceとMetricsのサポートが強化されています。

Quarkus World Tourがあなたの助けを必要としています


Quarkus Tools for IntelliJの1.4.0リリースを発表できることを大変嬉しく思います。このリリースでは、Quarkusプロジェクトウィザードのcodestartsのサポートが強化されました。 Codestarts Quarkusプロジェクトウィザードでは、code.quarkus.ioと同様に、codestartsを有効にしたエクステンションを特定のアイコン(エクステンション名の右側)で強調表示するようになり、ユーザーはcodestartsを有効にしたエクステンションをよりよく識別できるようになりました。 将来 ご質問、ご意見、ご感想などがありましたら、ぜひ イシューを開いてください。 お読みいただきありがとうございました。次のリリースをお待ちください! リンク GitHub リポジトリ: Issueを開く:

Quarkus Tools for IntelliJの1.3.0リリースを発表できることを大変嬉しく思います。このリリースでは、Quarkusプロジェクトウィザードにcodestartsのサポートが追加されました。 Codestarts Quarkusプロジェクトウィザードに新しいcodestartsオプションが追加され、この機能をサポートするQuarkusエクステンションのcodestarts生成を有効/無効にすることができるようになりました。 将来 ご質問、ご意見、ご感想などがありましたら、ぜひ イシューを開いてください。 お読みいただきありがとうございました。次のリリースをお待ちください! リンク GitHub リポジトリ: Issueを開く:

Micrometer is the recommended approach for metrics with Quarkus.

We are very pleased to announce the 1.2.0 release of Quarkus Tools for IntelliJ. This release brings enhanced support for Eclipse Microprofile. Eclipse Microprofile Reactive Messaging If your application is based on Eclipse Microprofile Reactive Messaging, properties are enabled for: @Connector annotation @Outgoing annotation @Incoming annotation Here is an example of a Kafka based application: Eclipse Microprofile JWT If your application is based on Eclipse Microprofile JWT, the following properties will be enabled for your...

We are very pleased to announce the 1.1.0 release of Quarkus Tools for IntelliJ. This release brings support for YAML configuration files and bug fixes. application.yaml support Code completion (Ctrl + ENTER) Property documentation Select a property and press Ctrl+Q Syntax validation Wrong property key names or values are reported 将来 ご質問、ご意見、ご感想などがありましたら、ぜひ イシューを開いてください。 お読みいただきありがとうございました。次のリリースをお待ちください! リンク GitHub リポジトリ: Issueを開く:

The Supersonic, Subatomic Quarkus Hackathon winners have been announced!

We are very pleased to announce the 1.0.0 release of Quarkus Tools for IntelliJ. This release brings enhanced code completion and syntax validation for and better support for Microprofile in Java files. It is not based anymore on the LSP Support plugin in order to increase stability. In order to install it, search for Quarkus Tools in the JetBrains marketplace or download from here. Here is an overview of the major features: support...

Quarkus global hackathon is Live!

Quarkus Insights is a live streaming channel where we and guests will talk to get insights on how Quarkus works and how it is used.

In a previous post, we announced the first version of Quarkus Tools for Eclipse. We’re now announcing a new version for Quarkus Tools for Eclipse, including better support for Eclipse Microprofile, Java 11 and enhancements to the wizard. Language support for Kubernetes, Openshift, S2i and Docker properties There is now completion, hover, documentation and validation for kubernetes., openshift., s2i., docker. properties Enter kubernetes prefix: Enter openshift prefix: Enter s2i prefix: Language support for MicroProfile REST...

You have probably already heard about tooling for Microsoft VSCode or JetBrains IntelliJ. Last week the first version of Quarkus Tools for Eclipse was released. It’s free and open source and we encourage you to use it. Let’s see how you can get it and play with the features. インストール There are several ways to get Quarkus Tools inside the Eclipse IDE. Quarkus Tools is part of JBoss Tools. So if you are already a...

With the announcement that Quarkus 1.3 is now available, we’re pleased to additionally announce that Quarkus 1.3 passes the TCKs of all Eclipse MicroProfile 3.3 specifications. MicroProfile 3.3 includes the following specification updates: Config 1.4 Fault Tolerance 2.1 Health 2.2 Metrics 2.3 REST Client 1.4 Config The Config update includes fixes to prevent the incorrect caching of ConfigProviderResolver and classloader issues related to it as well. It also adjusted the priority of implicit converters and...

On January 22, 2020, we were informed that Quarkus had won the DeveloperWeek DEVIES Awards in the category of Best Innovation in: Code Frameworks/Libraries. As a Kubernetes-native Java stack, Quarkus represents a fundamental shift in modern application development that makes Java a great fit for cloud-native application architectures, such as containers, microservices and serverless. Java developers are able to use Quarkus to build applications that have a faster startup time and take up significantly less...

With the announcement that Quarkus 1.1 was available in December 2019, and after a tremendous effort from all the contributors and community, we’re excited to announce that Quarkus 1.1 is Eclipse MicroProfile 3.2 compatible! MicroProfile 3.2 was released November 2019, bringing updates to the Metrics and Health specifications, but what is MicroProfile and why do I care? MicroProfile creates specifications for developing microservices with Enterprise Java, making compatibility with MicroProfile a key feature of Quarkus....

For Quarkus 1.1.0.Final, we had to take the hard decision to go back to GraalVM 19.2 while our CR1 used 19.3. Here is why.

Announcing Quarkus 1.0

Today marks a real milestone for the Quarkus community and the Java community at large. Quarkus 1.0 Candidate Release 1 is out and it will shortly be followed by a 1.0 Final version.

Showcasing the new Quarkus VS Code extension.

Quarkus has a logo

The Quarkus project team leadership worked with the Middleware Engineering Services (MWES) Design team to create the visual identity of the Quarkus brand. To design the brand the MWES team looked to the project name and took into consideration the project’s unique features; its small size, its ultra-fast scaling speed, and its Kubernetes roots. The logo also had to live up to the project tagline: "Supersonic Subatomic Java." The Quarkus Logo Breaking down the logo’s...

Quarkus has received awesome community feedback. Many many thanks for your warm encouragements, your contributions, your proposals and above all your enthusiasm. This has gone beyond our wildest expectations. Let’s keep rocking! Join us on our Google group or Zulip chat. Oh by the way, quite a few people ask us whether Quarkus was Open Source? Of course, all is on GitHub under the ASL 2.0 license.