Quarkus Mavenプラグイン
Quarkus Maven Pluginは、Quarkusアプリケーションをビルドし、開発モードを起動したり、ネイティブ実行ファイルを構築するためのヘルパーを提供します。Quarkus Maven Pluginの使用方法の詳細については、 Maven Toolingガイド を参照してください。
ほとんどの Maven プラグインと同様に、Quarkus Maven Plugin にも help
ゴールがあり、プラグインの説明が出力され、利用可能なすべてのゴールとその説明が一覧表示されます。また、ゴールに関する詳細情報、すべてのパラメーターとそのデフォルト値を出力することも可能です。たとえば、 create
./mvnw quarkus:help -Ddetail -Dgoal=create
Quarkus Maven Pluginのすべてのゴールのリストはこちらです:
Allow adding an extension to an existing pom.xml file. Because you can add one or several extension in one go, there are 2 mojos: add-extensions and add-extension. Both supports the extension and extensions parameters.
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Allow adding extensions to an existing pom.xml file. Because you can add one or several extension in one go, there are 2 mojos: add-extensions and add-extension. Both supports the extension and extensions parameters.
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Analyze call tree of a method or a class based on an existing report produced by Substrate when using -H:+PrintAnalysisCallTree, and does a more meaningful analysis of what is causing a type to be retained.
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Builds the Quarkus application.
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Coordinates of the Maven artifact containing the original Java application to build the native image for. If not provided, the current project is assumed to be the original Java application. The coordinates are expected to be expressed in the following format: groupId:artifactId:classifier:type:version With the classifier, type and version being optional. If the type is missing, the artifact is assumed to be of type JAR. If the version is missing, the artifact is going to be looked up among the project dependencies using the provided coordinates. However, if the expression consists of only three parts, it is assumed to be groupId:artifactId:version. If the expression consists of only four parts, it is assumed to be groupId:artifactId:classifier:type. Show more |
Application bootstrap provider ID. This parameter is not supposed to be configured by the user. To be able to re-use an application bootstrapped in one phase in a later phase, there needs to be a way to identify the correct instance of the bootstrapped application (in case there are more than one) in each Mojo. A bootstrap ID serves this purpose. This parameter is set in DevMojo invoking generate-code and generate-code-tests goals. If this parameter is not configured, a Mojo execution ID will be used as the bootstrap ID. Show more |
When building an uber-jar, this array specifies entries that should be excluded from the final jar. The entries are relative to the root of the file. An example of this configuration could be: <configuration> <uberJar>true</uberJar> <ignoredEntries> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC2048KE.SF</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC2048KE.DSA</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC1024KE.SF</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC1024KE.DSA</ignoredEntry> </ignoredEntries> </configuration> Show more |
This goal helps in setting up Quarkus Maven project with quarkus-maven-plugin, with sensible defaults
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The className will define the generated class names when picking only one of those extensions REST, RESTEasy Classic and Spring-Web. If more than one of those extensions are picked, then only the package name part will be used as packageName More info: https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/issues/14437 By default, the projectGroupId is used as package for generated classes (you can also use packageName to have them different). className Show more |
The path will define the REST path of the generated code when picking only one of those extensions REST, RESTEasy Classic and Spring-Web. If more than one of those extensions are picked, this parameter will be ignored. More info: https://github.com/quarkusio/quarkus/issues/14437 className Show more |
Creates the base of a Quarkus Extension https://quarkus.io/guides/writing-extensions in different layout depending on the options and environment.
Create in the quarkus-parent project directory (or the extensions parent dir)
It will: * generate the new Quarkus extension in the extensions parent as a module (parent, runtime and deployment), with unit test and devmode test on option. * On option, generate the new integration test in the integration tests parent as a module. * add the dependencies to the bom/application/pom.xml.
Creating a Quarkiverse extension
When using -DgroupId=io.quarkiverse.[featureId], the new extension will use the Quarkiverse layout.
Creating a standalone extension
generate the new Quarkus extension in the current directory (parent, runtime and deployment), with unit test and devmode test on option.
On option, generate the new integration test module in the current directory.
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The extensionDescription of the runtime module. This description is used on https://code.quarkus.io/. Show more |
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Quarkus application SBOM generator
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Displays Quarkus application build dependency tree including the deployment ones.
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Coordinates of the Maven artifact containing the original Java application to build the native image for. If not provided, the current project is assumed to be the original Java application. The coordinates are expected to be expressed in the following format: groupId:artifactId:classifier:type:version With the classifier, type and version being optional. If the type is missing, the artifact is assumed to be of type JAR. If the version is missing, the artifact is going to be looked up among the project dependencies using the provided coordinates. However, if the expression consists of only three parts, it is assumed to be groupId:artifactId:version. If the expression consists of only four parts, it is assumed to be groupId:artifactId:classifier:type. Show more |
Application bootstrap provider ID. This parameter is not supposed to be configured by the user. To be able to re-use an application bootstrapped in one phase in a later phase, there needs to be a way to identify the correct instance of the bootstrapped application (in case there are more than one) in each Mojo. A bootstrap ID serves this purpose. This parameter is set in DevMojo invoking generate-code and generate-code-tests goals. If this parameter is not configured, a Mojo execution ID will be used as the bootstrap ID. Show more |
When building an uber-jar, this array specifies entries that should be excluded from the final jar. The entries are relative to the root of the file. An example of this configuration could be: <configuration> <uberJar>true</uberJar> <ignoredEntries> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC2048KE.SF</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC2048KE.DSA</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC1024KE.SF</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC1024KE.DSA</ignoredEntry> </ignoredEntries> </configuration> Show more |
The dev mojo, that runs a quarkus app in a forked process. A background compilation process is launched and any changes are automatically reflected in your running application. You can use this dev mode in a remote container environment with remote-dev.
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If this server should be started in debug mode. The default is to start in debug mode and listen on port 5005. Whether the JVM is suspended waiting for a debugger to be attached, depends on the value of suspend. debug supports the following options: Value Effect false The JVM is not started in debug mode true The JVM is started in debug mode and will be listening on debugHost:debugPort client The JVM is started in client mode, and will attempt to connect to debugHost:debugPort {port} The JVM is started in debug mode and will be listening on debugHost:{port}. By default, debugHost has the value "localhost", and debugPort is 5005. Show more |
A comma-separated list of Maven plugin keys in groupId:artifactId format (for example org.codehaus.mojo:flatten-maven-plugin and/or goal prefixes, (for example flatten) that should be skipped when quarkus:dev identifies Maven plugin goals that should be executed before the application is launched in dev mode. Only the flatten Maven plugin is skipped by default. Show more |
Whether the JVM launch, in debug mode, should be suspended. This parameter is only relevant when the JVM is launched in debug mode. This parameter supports the following values (all the allowed values are case-insensitive): Value Effect y or true The debug mode JVM launch is suspended n or false The debug mode JVM is started without suspending Show more |
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Coordinates of the Maven artifact containing the original Java application to build the native image for. If not provided, the current project is assumed to be the original Java application. The coordinates are expected to be expressed in the following format: groupId:artifactId:classifier:type:version With the classifier, type and version being optional. If the type is missing, the artifact is assumed to be of type JAR. If the version is missing, the artifact is going to be looked up among the project dependencies using the provided coordinates. However, if the expression consists of only three parts, it is assumed to be groupId:artifactId:version. If the expression consists of only four parts, it is assumed to be groupId:artifactId:classifier:type. Show more |
Application bootstrap provider ID. This parameter is not supposed to be configured by the user. To be able to re-use an application bootstrapped in one phase in a later phase, there needs to be a way to identify the correct instance of the bootstrapped application (in case there are more than one) in each Mojo. A bootstrap ID serves this purpose. This parameter is set in DevMojo invoking generate-code and generate-code-tests goals. If this parameter is not configured, a Mojo execution ID will be used as the bootstrap ID. Show more |
When building an uber-jar, this array specifies entries that should be excluded from the final jar. The entries are relative to the root of the file. An example of this configuration could be: <configuration> <uberJar>true</uberJar> <ignoredEntries> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC2048KE.SF</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC2048KE.DSA</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC1024KE.SF</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC1024KE.DSA</ignoredEntry> </ignoredEntries> </configuration> Show more |
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Coordinates of the Maven artifact containing the original Java application to build the native image for. If not provided, the current project is assumed to be the original Java application. The coordinates are expected to be expressed in the following format: groupId:artifactId:classifier:type:version With the classifier, type and version being optional. If the type is missing, the artifact is assumed to be of type JAR. If the version is missing, the artifact is going to be looked up among the project dependencies using the provided coordinates. However, if the expression consists of only three parts, it is assumed to be groupId:artifactId:version. If the expression consists of only four parts, it is assumed to be groupId:artifactId:classifier:type. Show more |
Application bootstrap provider ID. This parameter is not supposed to be configured by the user. To be able to re-use an application bootstrapped in one phase in a later phase, there needs to be a way to identify the correct instance of the bootstrapped application (in case there are more than one) in each Mojo. A bootstrap ID serves this purpose. This parameter is set in DevMojo invoking generate-code and generate-code-tests goals. If this parameter is not configured, a Mojo execution ID will be used as the bootstrap ID. Show more |
When building an uber-jar, this array specifies entries that should be excluded from the final jar. The entries are relative to the root of the file. An example of this configuration could be: <configuration> <uberJar>true</uberJar> <ignoredEntries> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC2048KE.SF</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC2048KE.DSA</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC1024KE.SF</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC1024KE.DSA</ignoredEntry> </ignoredEntries> </configuration> Show more |
This goal downloads all the Maven artifact dependencies required to build, run, test and launch the application dev mode.
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Display help information on quarkus-maven-plugin. Call mvn quarkus:help -Ddetail=true -Dgoal=<goal-name> to display parameter details.
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Builds a container image.
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Coordinates of the Maven artifact containing the original Java application to build the native image for. If not provided, the current project is assumed to be the original Java application. The coordinates are expected to be expressed in the following format: groupId:artifactId:classifier:type:version With the classifier, type and version being optional. If the type is missing, the artifact is assumed to be of type JAR. If the version is missing, the artifact is going to be looked up among the project dependencies using the provided coordinates. However, if the expression consists of only three parts, it is assumed to be groupId:artifactId:version. If the expression consists of only four parts, it is assumed to be groupId:artifactId:classifier:type. Show more |
Application bootstrap provider ID. This parameter is not supposed to be configured by the user. To be able to re-use an application bootstrapped in one phase in a later phase, there needs to be a way to identify the correct instance of the bootstrapped application (in case there are more than one) in each Mojo. A bootstrap ID serves this purpose. This parameter is set in DevMojo invoking generate-code and generate-code-tests goals. If this parameter is not configured, a Mojo execution ID will be used as the bootstrap ID. Show more |
When building an uber-jar, this array specifies entries that should be excluded from the final jar. The entries are relative to the root of the file. An example of this configuration could be: <configuration> <uberJar>true</uberJar> <ignoredEntries> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC2048KE.SF</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC2048KE.DSA</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC1024KE.SF</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC1024KE.DSA</ignoredEntry> </ignoredEntries> </configuration> Show more |
Pushes a container image.
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Coordinates of the Maven artifact containing the original Java application to build the native image for. If not provided, the current project is assumed to be the original Java application. The coordinates are expected to be expressed in the following format: groupId:artifactId:classifier:type:version With the classifier, type and version being optional. If the type is missing, the artifact is assumed to be of type JAR. If the version is missing, the artifact is going to be looked up among the project dependencies using the provided coordinates. However, if the expression consists of only three parts, it is assumed to be groupId:artifactId:version. If the expression consists of only four parts, it is assumed to be groupId:artifactId:classifier:type. Show more |
Application bootstrap provider ID. This parameter is not supposed to be configured by the user. To be able to re-use an application bootstrapped in one phase in a later phase, there needs to be a way to identify the correct instance of the bootstrapped application (in case there are more than one) in each Mojo. A bootstrap ID serves this purpose. This parameter is set in DevMojo invoking generate-code and generate-code-tests goals. If this parameter is not configured, a Mojo execution ID will be used as the bootstrap ID. Show more |
When building an uber-jar, this array specifies entries that should be excluded from the final jar. The entries are relative to the root of the file. An example of this configuration could be: <configuration> <uberJar>true</uberJar> <ignoredEntries> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC2048KE.SF</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC2048KE.DSA</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC1024KE.SF</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC1024KE.DSA</ignoredEntry> </ignoredEntries> </configuration> Show more |
Log Quarkus-specific project information, such as imported Quarkus platform BOMs, Quarkus extensions found among the project dependencies, etc.
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List extension categories, which a user can use to filter extensions.
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List the available extensions. You can add one or several extensions in one go, with the 2 following mojos: add-extensions and add-extension. You can list all extension or just installable. Choose between 3 output formats: name, concise and full.
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List imported and optionally other platforms available for the project.
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Post-processes native image agent generated configuration to trim any unnecessary configuration.
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Coordinates of the Maven artifact containing the original Java application to build the native image for. If not provided, the current project is assumed to be the original Java application. The coordinates are expected to be expressed in the following format: groupId:artifactId:classifier:type:version With the classifier, type and version being optional. If the type is missing, the artifact is assumed to be of type JAR. If the version is missing, the artifact is going to be looked up among the project dependencies using the provided coordinates. However, if the expression consists of only three parts, it is assumed to be groupId:artifactId:version. If the expression consists of only four parts, it is assumed to be groupId:artifactId:classifier:type. Show more |
Application bootstrap provider ID. This parameter is not supposed to be configured by the user. To be able to re-use an application bootstrapped in one phase in a later phase, there needs to be a way to identify the correct instance of the bootstrapped application (in case there are more than one) in each Mojo. A bootstrap ID serves this purpose. This parameter is set in DevMojo invoking generate-code and generate-code-tests goals. If this parameter is not configured, a Mojo execution ID will be used as the bootstrap ID. Show more |
When building an uber-jar, this array specifies entries that should be excluded from the final jar. The entries are relative to the root of the file. An example of this configuration could be: <configuration> <uberJar>true</uberJar> <ignoredEntries> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC2048KE.SF</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC2048KE.DSA</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC1024KE.SF</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC1024KE.DSA</ignoredEntry> </ignoredEntries> </configuration> Show more |
タイプ |
デフォルト値 |
Coordinates of the Maven artifact containing the original Java application to build the native image for. If not provided, the current project is assumed to be the original Java application. The coordinates are expected to be expressed in the following format: groupId:artifactId:classifier:type:version With the classifier, type and version being optional. If the type is missing, the artifact is assumed to be of type JAR. If the version is missing, the artifact is going to be looked up among the project dependencies using the provided coordinates. However, if the expression consists of only three parts, it is assumed to be groupId:artifactId:version. If the expression consists of only four parts, it is assumed to be groupId:artifactId:classifier:type. Show more |
Application bootstrap provider ID. This parameter is not supposed to be configured by the user. To be able to re-use an application bootstrapped in one phase in a later phase, there needs to be a way to identify the correct instance of the bootstrapped application (in case there are more than one) in each Mojo. A bootstrap ID serves this purpose. This parameter is set in DevMojo invoking generate-code and generate-code-tests goals. If this parameter is not configured, a Mojo execution ID will be used as the bootstrap ID. Show more |
When building an uber-jar, this array specifies entries that should be excluded from the final jar. The entries are relative to the root of the file. An example of this configuration could be: <configuration> <uberJar>true</uberJar> <ignoredEntries> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC2048KE.SF</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC2048KE.DSA</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC1024KE.SF</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC1024KE.DSA</ignoredEntry> </ignoredEntries> </configuration> Show more |
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Coordinates of the Maven artifact containing the original Java application to build the native image for. If not provided, the current project is assumed to be the original Java application. The coordinates are expected to be expressed in the following format: groupId:artifactId:classifier:type:version With the classifier, type and version being optional. If the type is missing, the artifact is assumed to be of type JAR. If the version is missing, the artifact is going to be looked up among the project dependencies using the provided coordinates. However, if the expression consists of only three parts, it is assumed to be groupId:artifactId:version. If the expression consists of only four parts, it is assumed to be groupId:artifactId:classifier:type. Show more |
Application bootstrap provider ID. This parameter is not supposed to be configured by the user. To be able to re-use an application bootstrapped in one phase in a later phase, there needs to be a way to identify the correct instance of the bootstrapped application (in case there are more than one) in each Mojo. A bootstrap ID serves this purpose. This parameter is set in DevMojo invoking generate-code and generate-code-tests goals. If this parameter is not configured, a Mojo execution ID will be used as the bootstrap ID. Show more |
When building an uber-jar, this array specifies entries that should be excluded from the final jar. The entries are relative to the root of the file. An example of this configuration could be: <configuration> <uberJar>true</uberJar> <ignoredEntries> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC2048KE.SF</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC2048KE.DSA</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC1024KE.SF</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC1024KE.DSA</ignoredEntry> </ignoredEntries> </configuration> Show more |
The dev mojo, that connects to a remote host.
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If this server should be started in debug mode. The default is to start in debug mode and listen on port 5005. Whether the JVM is suspended waiting for a debugger to be attached, depends on the value of suspend. debug supports the following options: Value Effect false The JVM is not started in debug mode true The JVM is started in debug mode and will be listening on debugHost:debugPort client The JVM is started in client mode, and will attempt to connect to debugHost:debugPort {port} The JVM is started in debug mode and will be listening on debugHost:{port}. By default, debugHost has the value "localhost", and debugPort is 5005. Show more |
A comma-separated list of Maven plugin keys in groupId:artifactId format (for example org.codehaus.mojo:flatten-maven-plugin and/or goal prefixes, (for example flatten) that should be skipped when quarkus:dev identifies Maven plugin goals that should be executed before the application is launched in dev mode. Only the flatten Maven plugin is skipped by default. Show more |
Whether the JVM launch, in debug mode, should be suspended. This parameter is only relevant when the JVM is launched in debug mode. This parameter supports the following values (all the allowed values are case-insensitive): Value Effect y or true The debug mode JVM launch is suspended n or false The debug mode JVM is started without suspending Show more |
Allow removing an extension from an existing pom.xml file. Because you can remove one or several extension in one go, there are 2 mojos: remove-extensions and remove-extension. Both supports the extension and extensions parameters.
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Allow removing extensions to an existing pom.xml file. Because you can remove one or several extension in one go, there are 2 mojos: remove-extensions and remove-extension. Both supports the extension and extensions parameters.
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Coordinates of the Maven artifact containing the original Java application to build the native image for. If not provided, the current project is assumed to be the original Java application. The coordinates are expected to be expressed in the following format: groupId:artifactId:classifier:type:version With the classifier, type and version being optional. If the type is missing, the artifact is assumed to be of type JAR. If the version is missing, the artifact is going to be looked up among the project dependencies using the provided coordinates. However, if the expression consists of only three parts, it is assumed to be groupId:artifactId:version. If the expression consists of only four parts, it is assumed to be groupId:artifactId:classifier:type. Show more |
Application bootstrap provider ID. This parameter is not supposed to be configured by the user. To be able to re-use an application bootstrapped in one phase in a later phase, there needs to be a way to identify the correct instance of the bootstrapped application (in case there are more than one) in each Mojo. A bootstrap ID serves this purpose. This parameter is set in DevMojo invoking generate-code and generate-code-tests goals. If this parameter is not configured, a Mojo execution ID will be used as the bootstrap ID. Show more |
When building an uber-jar, this array specifies entries that should be excluded from the final jar. The entries are relative to the root of the file. An example of this configuration could be: <configuration> <uberJar>true</uberJar> <ignoredEntries> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC2048KE.SF</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC2048KE.DSA</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC1024KE.SF</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC1024KE.DSA</ignoredEntry> </ignoredEntries> </configuration> Show more |
The test mojo, that starts continuous testing outside of dev mode
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If this server should be started in debug mode. The default is to start in debug mode and listen on port 5005. Whether the JVM is suspended waiting for a debugger to be attached, depends on the value of suspend. debug supports the following options: Value Effect false The JVM is not started in debug mode true The JVM is started in debug mode and will be listening on debugHost:debugPort client The JVM is started in client mode, and will attempt to connect to debugHost:debugPort {port} The JVM is started in debug mode and will be listening on debugHost:{port}. By default, debugHost has the value "localhost", and debugPort is 5005. Show more |
A comma-separated list of Maven plugin keys in groupId:artifactId format (for example org.codehaus.mojo:flatten-maven-plugin and/or goal prefixes, (for example flatten) that should be skipped when quarkus:dev identifies Maven plugin goals that should be executed before the application is launched in dev mode. Only the flatten Maven plugin is skipped by default. Show more |
Whether the JVM launch, in debug mode, should be suspended. This parameter is only relevant when the JVM is launched in debug mode. This parameter supports the following values (all the allowed values are case-insensitive): Value Effect y or true The debug mode JVM launch is suspended n or false The debug mode JVM is started without suspending Show more |
Maven goal that is executed before the BuildMojo. The goal looks for a file that contains build time configuration options read during the previous build. If that file exists, the goal will check whether the configuration options used during the previous build have changed in the current configuration and will persist their current values to another file, so that both configuration files could be compared by tools caching build goal outcomes to check whether the previous outcome of the BuildMojo needs to be rebuilt.
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Coordinates of the Maven artifact containing the original Java application to build the native image for. If not provided, the current project is assumed to be the original Java application. The coordinates are expected to be expressed in the following format: groupId:artifactId:classifier:type:version With the classifier, type and version being optional. If the type is missing, the artifact is assumed to be of type JAR. If the version is missing, the artifact is going to be looked up among the project dependencies using the provided coordinates. However, if the expression consists of only three parts, it is assumed to be groupId:artifactId:version. If the expression consists of only four parts, it is assumed to be groupId:artifactId:classifier:type. Show more |
Application bootstrap provider ID. This parameter is not supposed to be configured by the user. To be able to re-use an application bootstrapped in one phase in a later phase, there needs to be a way to identify the correct instance of the bootstrapped application (in case there are more than one) in each Mojo. A bootstrap ID serves this purpose. This parameter is set in DevMojo invoking generate-code and generate-code-tests goals. If this parameter is not configured, a Mojo execution ID will be used as the bootstrap ID. Show more |
When building an uber-jar, this array specifies entries that should be excluded from the final jar. The entries are relative to the root of the file. An example of this configuration could be: <configuration> <uberJar>true</uberJar> <ignoredEntries> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC2048KE.SF</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC2048KE.DSA</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC1024KE.SF</ignoredEntry> <ignoredEntry>META-INF/BC1024KE.DSA</ignoredEntry> </ignoredEntries> </configuration> Show more |
Log Quarkus-related recommended updates, such as new Quarkus platform BOM versions and Quarkus extensions versions that aren’t managed by the Quarkus platform BOMs.
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