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ブログ - page 4

We released Quarkus 3.17 which comes with improvements to observability and programmatic permission checkers. The REST Clients were updated to MicroProfile REST Client 4.0.

We released Quarkus 3.16.4, a maintenance release for our 3.16 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.15.2, the first maintenance release for the 3.15 LTS release.

We released Quarkus 3.16.3, a maintenance release for our 3.16 release train.

The November edition of the Quarkus Newsletter; curated online stories, articles, and videos about Quarkus.

We released Quarkus 3.16.2, a maintenance release for our 3.16 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.16 which is packed with new features and enhancements: distributed logging with OpenTelemetry Logging, a nice default LGTM dashboard, a lot of new security features...

The October edition of the Quarkus Newsletter; curated online stories, articles, and videos about Quarkus.

A description of the new Quarkiverse and SmallRye release process.

Quarkus 3.15 - new LTS version

We released Quarkus 3.15, our new LTS version.