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We released Quarkus 3.7.3, our second maintenance release for the 3.7 release train.

The February edition of the Quarkus Newsletter; curated online stories, articles, and videos about Quarkus.

We released Quarkus 3.7.2, our first maintenance release for the 3.7 release train.

We released Quarkus 3.7 which requires Java 17+, updates to Hibernate ORM 6.4, supports Micrometer @MeterTag and much more. 3.6.9 was also released to address two CVEs.

Quarkus 3.2.10.Final is the tenth maintenance release of the 3.2 LTS release train. It includes a few critical bug fixes and documentation updates.

We released Quarkus 3.6.7, our seventh maintenance release for the 3.6 release train.

We added full-text search to

We released Quarkus 3.6.6, our sixth maintenance release for the 3.6 release train.

The January edition of the Quarkus Newsletter; curated online stories, articles, and videos about Quarkus.

We released Quarkus 3.6.5, our fifth maintenance release for the 3.6 release train.