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We released Quarkus 3.0.0.Alpha2 based on the features of Quarkus 2.14.3.Final but targeting Jakarta EE 10.
Quarkus 2.14.3.Final is the third maintenance release of our 2.14 release train.
Amazon Web Services(AWS)は、AWS LambdaのSnapStart機能を発表しました。SnapStartは、AWS Lambda上で動作するJavaベースの関数の起動レイテンシーを削減します。そして、Quarkusは初日からこれをサポートします!
Quarkus 2.14.2.Final and 2.13.5.Final fix CVE-2022-4116. Please upgrade.
By carefully fixing and designing a performance test to ensure that only Quarkus is being stressed, throughput improves from 1.75 req/sec to nearly 26,000 req/sec
This release adds support for CodeActions / Quick Fixes
How to implement a more reliable job queue with Redis, including fault tolerance, de-duplication, and poison pill.
We released Quarkus 3.0.0.Alpha1 based on the features of Quarkus 2.13.3.Final but targeting Jakarta EE 10.
The November edition of the Quarkus Newsletter; curated online stories, articles, and videos about Quarkus.
Quarkus has been quietly preparing its migration to Jakarta EE 10 for while. Let's talk about it.