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We released Quarkus 3.6.4, our fourth maintenance release for the 3.6 release train.
As some of you asked what were our plans regarding the next LTS, this blog post presents our plans for Quarkus 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9.
Learn how to containerized applications using virtual threads.
We released Quarkus 3.6.3, our third maintenance release for the 3.6 release train.
The December edition of the Quarkus Newsletter; curated online stories, articles, and videos about Quarkus.
We released Quarkus 3.6.1, our first maintenance release for the 3.6 release train.
Explore how to verify Quarkus event-driven applications with the Citrus integration test framework.
Quarkus 3.7 will move Quarkus to use Java 17 as the minimal JDK
We released Quarkus 3.6.0 which comes with improvements in how the REST Client handles SSE and many OIDC and security-related enhancements.
Explore in detail the latest features added to Smallrye Stork