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Posts by Clement Escoffier

Posts by Clement Escoffier

Do reactive stuff @ Red Hat


What do virtual threads change when building concurrent applications with Quarkus.

Redis Job Queue - Reloaded

How to implement a more reliable job queue with Redis, including fault tolerance, de-duplication, and poison pill.

Implementing a job queue using Redis list and the Quarkus Redis extension

How to implement a simple cache with the Redis data source

JSON, Avro and Custom Kafka Serializers and Deserializers with Quarkus

How Stork selects the best service instance and the various built-in stategies.


Quarkus 2.2では、RESTEasy Reactive のディスパッチ戦略がよりスマートになり、開発者のエクスペリエンスが向上しました。


Apache Kafkaを使用したQuarkusアプリケーションを10分以内に構築する方法