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Quarkus Newsletter #9


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私たちが見逃しているクールな記事、ブログ、ビデオをご存知でしたら、ぜひ ご投稿ください。

Article & Blogs

Quarkus Tutorial: Using Bean Validation on

Victor shows how to go from bad approach to validation to use Bean Validation on Quarkus to get powerful and reusable validations.
Author: Victor Osorio
Posted: 25. January 2021

QuarkusMicronaut vs Quarkus — what’s the difference?

Michał compares Micronaut and Quarkus on what technologies they support. Looking forward to his part 2.
Author: Michał Chmielarz
Posted: 22. January 2021
From: Software Mill

Building kubectl plugins with Quarkus

Sebastian walks through how to develop a kubectl plugins with Quarkus, picocli and jbang.
Author: Sebastien Blanc
Posted: 21. January 2021
From: Red Hat

Java-Framework Quarkus 1.11 f"uhrt RESTEasy Reactive und neues Dev UI ein

Discusses the top new features in Quarkus 1.11
Author: Matthias Parbel
Posted: 21. January 2021

Quarkus 1.11 released - RESTEasy Reactive, Dev UI, and more!

Quarkus 1.11 Release blog on new features
Author: Guillaume Smet
Posted: 20. January 2021
From: Red Hat

10 reasons to develop Quarkus applications on Red Hat OpenShift

Jeff walks through his top 10 reasons why using Quarkus on OpenShift is a win.
Author: Jeff Beck
Posted: 15. January 2021
From: Red Hat

Merry Chistmas and Happy Fallback with Microprofile

Build microservices to help Santa schedule his deliveries using Quarkus and MicroProfile.
Author: Antonio Goncalves
Posted: 12. January 2021

Quarkus and Testcontainers

Discussion of using Quarkus test resources for integrating Linux containers into your integration tests
Author: Gunnar Morling
Posted: 28. November 2020
From: Red Hat

Quarkus Gives Spring Boot Users a Path to Serverless and Live Coding

Quarkus Gives Spring Boot Users a Path to Serverless and Live Coding
Author: Alex Handy
Posted: 17. November 2020
From: Red Hat

Java is back

Article about the experience with Quarkus in native image mode. In Spanish
Author: Bastian Bastias Sanchez
Posted: 28. October 2020

Micrometer is recommended for metrics with Quarkus 1.9

Though Quarkus offers extensions for MicroProfile, including metrics, we’re now recommending the use of the Micrometer extension for metrics in Quarkus with the release of 1.9.
Author: Ken Finnigan
Posted: 19. October 2020
From: Red Hat

Quarked testing: Writing tests for Quarkus - Red Hat Developer

But, how do you test Quarkus applications and services? In this talk, we show how you how. We’ll look at how to test basic components, mocks, stubs, or (secured) RESTful web APIs.
Author: Alex Soto Bueno, Burr Sutter
Posted: 12. October 2020
From: Red Hat

Red Hat Adds Cloud-Native Quarkus Runtime for Java Applications - Container Journal

Red Hat is making a version of its Quarkus runtime for deploying Java applications on Kubernetes that doesn’t require a Java Virtual Machine (JVM) available as part of its Red Hat Runtimes subscription service.
Author: Mike Vizard
Posted: 2. October 2020
From: Container Journal

私たちが見逃しているクールな記事、ブログ、ビデオをご存知でしたら、ぜひ ご投稿ください。


Quarkus: Fundamentals

This course explains what Quarkus is so you can decide if it's suited for your project.
Author: Antonio Goncalves
Posted: 15. January 2021
From: Pluralsight

私たちが見逃しているクールな記事、ブログ、ビデオをご存知でしたら、ぜひ ご投稿ください。


quarkusio: Quarkus Insights - Episode #34: Talking about the Quarkus 1.11

Erin and Georgios sits down and talk about Quarkus 1.11 release touching on resteasy reactive, micrometer, jbang and lots of questions from listeners.
Author: Quarkus Team
Posted: 25. January 2021
From: Red Hat

jHipster Quarkus release discussion

jHipster Quarkus release discussion
Author: Anthony Viard
Posted: 25. January 2021

Antonio Goncalves on Quarkus

Talk with Java Champion Antonio Goncalves about Quarkus, and the two free e-books he just published on the subject.
Author: Java on Azure and Antonio Goncalves
Posted: 25. January 2021
From: Java on Azure

S1E4: Red Hat Expert Insights: What is Quarkus, Anyway? And What Do I Need to know about Serverless Computing?

By the end of the episode, you'll know what Quarkus is and you'll have learned about the advantages that serverless computing brings to your business operations and your bottom line.
Author: ASCII Anything + Jim Garrett
Posted: 21. January 2021
From: Moser Consulting and Red Hat

Enhancing the development loop with Quarkus Remote Dev

Enhancing the development loop with Quarkus Remote Dev
Author: Daniel Oh
Posted: 20. January 2021
From: Red Hat

Por que usar Quarkus? - Hipsters.Talks #36

Discussion on why to use Quarkus.
Author: Alura Cursos Online
Posted: 20. January 2021

Quarkus night!

Part 1 - Quarkus: what's behind the Supersonic Subatomic and Part 2 - Microservices with Quarkus live demo
Author: Emmanuel Bernard, Antonio Goncalves
Posted: 15. December 2020
From: Singapore Java User Group