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Quarkus Newsletter #22 - July

The July newsletter is out with some great new Quarkus related technical articles. Learn about "Kafka Streams and Quarkus: Real-Time Processing Events" by Alex Soto and Michael Redlich. Get a better understanding of resilience deisgn patters in the "Resilient microservices with Quarkus and Kotlin - Design Patterns" article by Felicia Faye. Get a deep dive into active-active Kafka clusters with bi-direction replicaiton in "Kafka Fail-Over Using Quarkus Reactive Messaging" by Raffael Mendes. Daniel Oh takes us throw OpenTelemetry in "Distributed tracing with OpenTelemetry, Knative, and Quarkus". "Using Amazon Corretto (OpenJDK) for lean, fast, and efficient AWS Lambda" by Adam Bien shows us how to launch large, monolithic applications on top of AWS Lambda.

また、最新のQuarkus Insightsエピソード、トップツイート、Quarkusが参加する今後のイベントも載っています。

Check out Newsletter #22!

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