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Quarkus Newsletter #2

Welcome to the second episode of the Quarkus Newsletter. This is where we’ll post about new found publications related to Quarkus.

If you feel something is missing or have an article coming out for future Quarkus Newsletter posts please open an issue with a short description and a url.

This time there was a lot of news around our 1.0 announcement; I’ve not included those unless they added something extra - that still leaves us with a new interesting workshop, articles from community members and a lot of great videos from Devoxx Belgium.


私たちが見逃しているクールな記事、ブログ、ビデオをご存知でしたら、ぜひ ご投稿ください。

Article & Blogs

Getting started with Quarkus

A quick tour through the basics of Quarkus with some example applications
Author: Francesco Marchioni
Posted: 19. December 2019
From: Red Hat

Creating Quarkus projects using IntelliJ IDEA

Walkthough on how IntelliJ IDEA can bootstrap a Quarkus projects
Author: Francesco Marchioni
Posted: 8. December 2019
From: Red Hat

Securing Quarkus with Elytron Database Realm

Guide on how to secure Quarkus apps using Elytron Database Realm
Author: Francesco Marchioni
Posted: 19. November 2019
From: Red Hat

Hibernate ORM with Panache in Quarkus - In Relation To

Comparison on traditional Hibernate/JPA vs Panache approach on reducing boilerplate entity code
Author: Stephane Epardaud
Posted: 19. November 2019
From: Hibernate / Red Hat

In the Fast Lane: Microservices with Quarkus and Managed Kubernetes

Frank describes deploying Quarkus to Kubernetes showing of his workflow and tools
Author: Frank Munz
Posted: 18. November 2019
From: Personal / Amazon Webservices

How Quarkus brings imperative and reactive programming together

Wondered if you can do imperative and reactive programming at the same time ? Syed and Clement walks through how Quarkus makes this feasible.
Author: Syed M. Shaaf, Clement Escoffier
Posted: 18. November 2019
From: Red Hat

Composing microservices with the Appsody Quarkus experimental collection

Walkthrough on how to use Quarkus with Appsody and kabanero.
Author: Denilson Nastacio
Posted: 15. November 2019
From: IBM

Build a Java REST API With Quarkus - DZone Java

In this Dzone article Andrew gives his overview on how to write a Java REST API with Quarkus
Author: Andrew Hughes
Posted: 13. November 2019
From: MoksaMedia

Hibernate Search in Quarkus - In Relation To

Walk through on how to use Hibernate search in Quarkus
Author: Yoann Rodière
Posted: 12. November 2019
From: Hibernate / Red Hat

nxt - Introduction to Quarkus - Supersonic Subatomic Java

Introduction to Quarkus made at ETH Zurich
Author: Michael Gerber
Posted: 11. November 2019
From: nxt

Kickstart your first Quarkus application - Hantsy - Medium

Hantsy gives his way to kickstart your first Quarkus application
Author: Hantsy
Posted: 9. November 2019

Apache Camel K - supersonic subatomic integrations on Kubernetes and Knative

Peter Palaga presentation around Apache CamelK and Quarkus
Author: Peter Palaga
Posted: 6. November 2019
From: Red Hat

Quarkus, The Next Generation Container-First Framework For Java Applications | 99X Technology

Randula give her writeup on her experience with Quarkus
Author: Randula Koralage
Posted: 3. November 2019
From: 99x Technology

Configuring A Quarkus Application With Profiles – Antonio's Blog

Walkthrough on how to configure your Quarkus application depending on a profile.
Author: Antonio Goncalves
Posted: 7. October 2019

Zoom sur Quarkus

French introductory article about Quarkus
Author: Loïs Mathieu
Posted: 23. April 2019
From: ZenikaIT

私たちが見逃しているクールな記事、ブログ、ビデオをご存知でしたら、ぜひ ご投稿ください。


GraalVM Quarkus: Java Acceleration with Guillaume Smet and Emmanuel Bernard - Software Engineering Daily

Quarkus team members Guillaume and Emmanuel on the Software Engineering Daily podcast talking about Quarkus and GraalVM
Author: Guillaume Smet and Emmanuel Bernard
Posted: 14. November 2019
From: Software Engineering Daily / Red Hat

私たちが見逃しているクールな記事、ブログ、ビデオをご存知でしたら、ぜひ ご投稿ください。


Step-by-step Workshop on how to Develop a Microservice Architecture with Quarkus

A workshop where you build several microservices interoperating through HTTP and Kafka.
Author: Emmanuel Bernard, Clement Escoffier, Antonio Goncalves
Posted: 23. October 2019
From: Red Hat

私たちが見逃しているクールな記事、ブログ、ビデオをご存知でしたら、ぜひ ご投稿ください。


Kubernetes Native Spring apps on Quarkus

In this presentation Georgios demos the building of some Spring applications with Quarkus. He shows how Spring developers can take advantage of Quarkus' live coding feature, fast boot times and small memory footprint whilst using the Spring APIs they know and love.
Author: Georgios Andrianakis
Posted: 7. November 2019
From: Devoxx Belgium / Red Hat

Play an Acoustic Guitar with a Raspberry Pi

Jago likes automation and playing music, so he turned his hand to automating the playing of an acoustic guitar with Quarkus and a Raspberry Pi. Jago explains why Quarkus was his framework of choice for the constrained environment of the Raspberry Pi.
Author: Jago de Vreede
Posted: 7. November 2019
From: Devoxx Belgium / OpenValue

Quarkus Why, How and What

Emmanuel gives a code-heavy introduction to Quarkus demonstrating live reload, opinionated persistence with Hibernate Panache, testing, GraalVM native compilation and more.
Author: Emmanuel Bernard
Posted: 6. November 2019
From: Devoxx Belgium / Red Hat

Secure your Quarkus Applications

In this talk Sebastien demonstrates how to connect your Quarkus applications to an identity provider and how to secure access to your application's REST API
Author: Sebastien Blanc
Posted: 5. November 2019
From: Devoxx Belgium / Red Hat

Battle of The Microservice Frameworks: Micronaut Versus Quarkus Edition!

Michel hosts a fun battle between Quarkus and Micronaut where the audience decides the winner!
Author: Michel Schudel
Posted: 4. November 2019
From: Devoxx Belgium / Craftsmen

Event-driven Business Automation Powered by Cloud Native Java

The Kogito team demonstrate how to bring business automation to the cloud using Quarkus
Author: Mario Fusco, Maciej Swiderski & Edoardo Vacchi
Posted: 4. November 2019
From: Devoxx Belgium / Red Hat

Writing a Kubernetes Operator in Java

In this talk Fabian shows how to write a Kubernettes operator in Java using Quarkus and the Kubernettes Java client
Author: Fabian Stäber
Posted: 4. November 2019
From: Instana / Devoxx Belgium

Développer une API Cloud Ready avec Quarkus

Loïc doing a french introduction of Quarkus at Devfest Nantes
Author: Loïs Mathieu
Posted: 31. October 2019
From: DevFest Nantes / GDG France / ZenikaIT

Apache Tika Goes Native with GraalVM and Quarkus | ApacheCon

Sergey gives overview on Quarkus with Apache Tika, a content detection and analysis framework. Highlights the performance improvements and how other Apache projects can utilize Quarkus and be ready for GraalVM native images.
Author: Sergey Beryozkin
Posted: 23. October 2019
From: Red Hat