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Quarkus Newsletter #11

8月のニュースレターが発行されました!今月は、「Quarkus 2.0がLinuxでの開発者の生産性を向上させる3つの理由」や「Bind a cloud event to Knative」などの素晴らしい記事をご覧ください。

ニュースレター #11をご覧ください!

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また、最新のオンラインストーリーのリストも掲載されています。読んでみて、何か足りないと感じたり、今後のQuarkus Newsletterに掲載予定の記事がある場合は、ノートパソコンや携帯電話に ブックマークレットをインストールすると、簡単に記事を投稿することができます。手動での投稿をご希望の場合は、簡単な説明とURLを入力して 課題を開いてください。

私たちが見逃しているクールな記事、ブログ、ビデオをご存知でしたら、ぜひ ご投稿ください。

Article & Blogs

A Java developer's guide to Quarkus - DZone Java

A new eBook demonstrates how developers can keep using the Java framework to build new serverless functions.
Author: Daniel Oh
Posted: 13. August 2021
From: Red Hat

Inject Quarkus list types with @ConfigProperty

If you have a typed collection, e.g. List, you can also inject these values via @ConfigProperty:
Author: Sebastian Daschner
Posted: 6. August 2021

Quarkus 2.0 Delivers Continuous Testing, CLI and Supports Minimal JDK 11

Nineteen months after its first major release, Red Hat has released Quarkus 2.0 with new features such as continuous testing, a new CLI, JDK 11 as a minimal version, and dependency upgrades to Vert.x 4.0 and MicroProfile 4.0
Author: Olimpiu Pop
Posted: 5. August 2021
From: InfoQ

Creating a Reactive CRUD todo app with Kotlin, MongoDB, Panache and Quarkus

Having Kotlin in a Quarkus based project can give us more benefits whilst still having the possibility of using other extensions from the Quarkus ecosystem.
Author: David Dahlin
Posted: 31. July 2021

Kubernetes-native Java microservices with John Clingan - Semaphore

We’ll talk about the challenges of developing microservices on Java, using Quarkus and MicroProfile to speed up start times and reduce memory footprints, and how to transition into a Kubernetes-native experience.
Author: John Clingan
Posted: 21. July 2021
From: Red Hat

How to Manually Deploy a Quarkus Application to Azure with Terraform Thanks

In this blog post, I’ll show you how to manually deploy a simple Quarkus application to Azure using Terraform, thanks to NubesGen.
Author: Antonio Goncalves
Posted: 20. July 2021

Quarkus & Hibernate - Getting Started

Getting started with Quarkus and Hibernate
Author: Thorben Janssen
Posted: 20. July 2021

Creating a Reactive CRUD blog app with MongoDB, Quarkus and Panache

... with the Panache MongoDB extension within Quarkus, alof of the querying has been simplified ...
Author: David Dahlin
Posted: 1. July 2021

私たちが見逃しているクールな記事、ブログ、ビデオをご存知でしたら、ぜひ ご投稿ください。


Accessing Relational Databases with Quarkus

Intermediate's course to develop a data centric application with Quarkus, JPA, Panache and PostgreSQL.
Author: Antonio Goncalves
Posted: 20. July 2021
From: agoncal

私たちが見逃しているクールな記事、ブログ、ビデオをご存知でしたら、ぜひ ご投稿ください。


Quarkus profiles

In this video, I bring in a nutshell how to configure your project to use profile, check it out!
Author: 16 BITS TECH
Posted: 15. August 2021

Secure APIs using Quarkus and Keycloak

Securing APIs using Quarkus and Keycloak
Author: Daniel Oh
Posted: 21. July 2021
From: Red Hat

How to package a Quarkus Application

How to package a Quarkus Application
Author: Giuseppe Scaramuzzino
Posted: 17. July 2021

Complex configuration example with Quarkus 2.0

In this video, I'm showing how to configure Quarkus applications with complex nested and collection values using configuration objects.
Author: Sebastian Daschner
Posted: 17. July 2021