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Quarkus 3.2.11.Final released - Maintenance LTS release

Quarkus 3.2.11.Final, the eleventh maintenance release of the 3.2 LTS release train has been released.

This release includes the following security-related fixes:

  • CVE-2024-25710 Denial of service caused by an infinite loop for a corrupted DUMP file

  • CVE-2024-1597 PostgreSQL JDBC Driver allows attacker to inject SQL if using PreferQueryMode=SIMPLE

  • CVE-2024-1023 memory leak due to the use of Netty FastThreadLocal data structures in Vertx

  • CVE-2024-1300 memory leak when a TCP server is configured with TLS and SNI support

  • CVE-2024-1726 security checks for some inherited endpoints performed after serialization in RESTEasy Reactive may trigger a denial of service

And the following component upgrades:

  • Apache Commons Compress 1.25.0 → 1.26.0

  • PostgeSQL JDBC Driver 42.6.0 → 42.6.1

  • SmallRye JWT 4.3.0 → 4.4.0

  • Vert.X 4.4.6 → 4.4.8

If you are not already using a 3.2 release, please refer to our migration guide.

Known issues include:

It should be a safe upgrade for anyone already using a 3.2.10.Final release.



