Quarkus Newsletter #41 - February
Learn how to create a Quarkus extension that provides three features that notify an API regarding the application’s starting status, offers a implementation class created with Gizmo, and count the number of methods using Jandex in "Developing a Quarkus Extension" by Matheus Cruz. Check out "Serverless on Azure Function with Quarkus" by Piotr Minkowski to see how to create and run serverless apps on Azure Function using the Quarkus Funqy extension. Learn how to use Wiremock with Quarkus to performing quality testing of your code with "Wiremock & Quarkus: How to configure it" by Daniel S. Blanco. Read "Connect a Quarkus app to an external SQL Server database" by Nikhil Mungale to learn how to use an external database with Quarkus and link an example application to an external Microsoft SQL Server database in this tutorial.
You will also see the latest Quarkus Insights episodes, top tweets and upcoming Quarkus attended events.
Check out Newsletter #41: February!
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