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Quarkus Newsletter #13 - October

10月のニュースレターが発行されました。今月は、Quarkusの豆知識、トリック、技術を学べる素晴らしい記事や、Kubernetes-Native Javaの入門をご紹介します。また、Quarkus GraalVM ネイティブアプリケーションをIBM CloudにGitOpsでデプロイする方法をご紹介します。QuarkusでネイティブなJavaアプリを構築するためのパフォーマンスに関する記事や、Spring Developers:Kubernetes-nativeのデザインパターンに関する記事もご覧ください。

Newsletter #13をご覧ください。

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また、最新のオンラインストーリーのリストも掲載されています。読んでみて、何か足りないと感じたり、今後のQuarkus Newsletterに掲載予定の記事がある場合は、ノートパソコンや携帯電話に ブックマークレットをインストールすると、簡単に記事を投稿することができます。手動での投稿をご希望の場合は、簡単な説明とURLを入力して 課題を開いてください。

私たちが見逃しているクールな記事、ブログ、ビデオをご存知でしたら、ぜひ ご投稿ください。

Article & Blogs

Deploying Strimzi Kafka and Java clients with security - Part 1: Authentication

In this blog series, we will detail the configuration elements of secured Kafka deployment options with Strimzi. We’ll also go through the configuration of Java clients using popular frameworks (namely Spring Boot and Quarkus).
Author: Laurent Broudoux
Posted: 18. October 2021

How to create Quarkus Command Mode applications

In this tutorial we will learn how to create standalone Quarkus applications with a bare simple main entry point.
Author: Francesco Marchioni
Posted: 18. October 2021

Quarkus Tips, Tricks and Techniques - Piotr's TechBlog

In this article, you will learn some useful tips and tricks related to the Quarkus framework. We will focus on the features that stand Quarkus out from the other frameworks. For those who use Spring Boot, there is a similar article Spring Boot Tips, Tricks and Techniques.
Author: Piotr Minkowski
Posted: 12. October 2021

Quarkus for Spring developers: Kubernetes-native design patterns

This article will discuss microservicesv patterns and showcase why Quarkus is ideal for Kubernetes-native Java applications.
Author: Eric Deandrea
Posted: 11. October 2021
From: Red Hat

Deploy GitOPs style- Quarkus using GitActions

Deploy Quarkus GraalVM Native application to IBM Cloud with GitOps using Git Actions
Author: A B Vijay Kumar
Posted: 11. October 2021

Quarkus: Get started with Kubernetes-native Java

Red Hat’s Quarkus is a full-stack, open-source Java framework designed for containers and cloud environments. See why it’s a worthy alternative to Spring.
Author: Matthew Tyson
Posted: 8. October 2021

Deploying Quarkus Serverless Applications in OpenShift

Quarkus simplifies the deployment of applications as serverless services on OpenShift with a very classy extension called the quarkus-openshift extension.
Author: Balakrishnan Balasubramanian
Posted: 7. October 2021
From: Red Hat

Developing business processes more efficiently with Runtime Tools Quarkus extension - Part 1 - KIE Community

This the first of a series of posts presenting our new Runtime Tools Quarkus extension, which brings the main features of both Management and Task consoles to the development environment in a much easier way to set up.
Author: Paulo Martins
Posted: 28. September 2021

What's new with Quarkus 2.0 and how to get started quickly

has been released! In this article, we will cover the highlights of the new major version and the requirements to get started or migrate to this exciting new version.
Author: admin
Posted: 26. September 2021

Integrating Quarkus with Native Image Kit

in this article we are going to discuss another framework that is still gaining popularity: Quarkus.
Author: BellSoft
Posted: 22. September 2021
From: Bellsoft

Integrating Quarkus with Native Image Kit | BellSoft Java

in this article we are going to discuss another framework that is still gaining popularity: Quarkus.
Author: BellSoft
Posted: 22. September 2021
From: Bellsoft

How Quarkus Improved Logicdrop’s Developer Experience and Process

The developer experience plays an important role in the adoption of any technology. Being able to go from ideation to delivery, quickly and confidently, helps foster innovation and contributes to delivering a world-class product.
Author: Logicdrop
Posted: 20. September 2021
From: logicdrop

Quarkus - Eclipse Adoptium Uses Quarkus for high volume Java SE distribution API

Eclipse Adoptium uses Quarkus for high volume Java SE distribution API
Author: James Falkner
Posted: 15. September 2021
From: Red Hat

How can Java bring you into Kubernetes-Native Future

How can Java bring you into Kubernetes-Native Future
Author: Daniel Oh
Posted: 15. September 2021

My first Quarkus project. A simple hands-on project to setup and…

Today I want to share with you my first project with Quarkus.
Author: Dario De Santis
Posted: 15. September 2021

Introduction about Quarkus - Huong Dan Java

In this tutorial, I will give you an overview of how to up and run a Java application using Quarkus, to see, how long does it take to run an application with Quarkus!
Author: Khanh Nguyen
Posted: 5. September 2021

私たちが見逃しているクールな記事、ブログ、ビデオをご存知でしたら、ぜひ ご投稿ください。


Visualize Data Storage with Quarkus Dev Service for Neo4J

Visualize Data Storage with Quarkus Dev Service for Neo4J
Author: Daniel Oh
Posted: 11. October 2021

Develop Reactive Messaging with AMQP and Quarkus Dev Service

Develop Reactive Messaging with AMQP and Quarkus Dev Service
Author: Daniel Oh
Posted: 5. October 2021

Panache: Repository Pattern

Panache: Repository Pattern
Author: Thorben Janssen
Posted: 30. September 2021