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Quarkus 3.0.0.Alpha4 released - Fourth iteration of our Jakarta EE 10 stream

As you might know by now, we started a Quarkus 3.0 effort last year and we are continuing this effort, which was described here, here, here, and here.

Quarkus 3.0.0.Alpha4 is the fourth iteration of this work and it marks a huge milestone: the Jakarta EE 10 stream is now our default stream as the Jakarta EE 10 work has been integrated in the main branch of the Quarkus repository.

On the Jakarta EE 10 front, it comes with minor upgrades all over the place to use the latest versions of the specs and implementations.

But this version also comes with several new features and enhancements:

  • Azure Functions Extension

  • Add gRPC InProcess support

  • Support retrieval of all Multipart parts in RESTEasy Reactive

  • Support StatementInspector as @PersistenceUnitExtension managed bean

  • Introduce a way for users to customize Flyway configuration

  • Support custom Flyway credentials/URL

  • Bump kubernetes-client-bom from 6.3 to 6.4

  • Scheduler API - make it possible to schedule a job programmatically

  • Qute - Introduce CacheSectionHelper

  • Cache extension - Allow global default cache configuration

  • Flyway and Liquibase are now run as init containers in manifests.

  • New Elasticsearch Java Client extension

Finally, the migration script presented below has been vastly improved and should be able to comprehensively migrate more projects.

We plan to release new Alphas regularly to share our progress in the next few months. Until then, we encourage you to test it and report your feedback.

Quarkus 3を試してみる

今のところ、最も簡単な方法は、 を使用するか、Quarkus CLIを使用することです:

quarkus create app --stream=3.0

Mind you that at this stage, while all the core extensions are available, only parts of the Quarkus platform is present. Not all extensions have yet migrated to Jakarta packages (e.g. Camel Quarkus or Kogito are not yet available).

Quarkus 3へのアップグレード


There is a one-liner that attempts to do it automatically using a JBang script.


jbang --fresh upgrade-to-quarkus3@quarkusio


curl -Ls | bash -s - --fresh upgrade-to-quarkus3@quarkusio


iex "& { $(iwr } --fresh upgrade-to-quarkus3@quarkusio"

これを実行すると、プロジェクトの依存関係、ソースコード、ドキュメントがQuarkus 3を使用するように更新されます。

もしうまくいかない場合は、私たちが何か見落としているか、Quarkus 3をサポートしていないエクステンションを使用している可能性があります。

Let us know in either case so we can together improve the migration script.


